Monday, June 10, 2013

Morning Sky

Okay. Little behind. These are not pictures of morning skies I took recently because the weather has been yucky but these are two from Charleston a few years ago.

Monday, June 3, 2013


I took this for my pic for happiness. There is nothing happier than this little girl finally achieving perfect attendance after 5 year of not getting it. She worked her butt off to get this! She was even in a play that should have kept her out of school for two days and she went for the last hour just to get counted as present even though the absence was excused! Oh and let's not forget she gave up a 3 day trip to Charleston too! Happiness is that moment when all your hard work and sacrifice pay off and you are left holding the award.....even if it is just a piece of paper.
Perfect attendance for the 2012-2013 school year!!!

Sunday, June 2, 2013


After church we decided to go to McDonalds and what says smile more than kids at McDonalds???

Favorite Food been a big fan of Mexican food but since becoming pregnant I seem to think that salsa goes well on everything! I can't seem to eat much but you put a Mexican plate in front of me and I think the bay starts doing flips for joy. I guess at least for now this makes this my favorite food.
Steak and chicken quesedilla with a Ceasar salad. Yum!!

So I saw this on Lavada's facebook and was interested. Hope I am doing this right but thought this was a good place to start. I will try to keep up with it daily since that is part of the challenge and we will see how this goes.Who knows....maybe I will have so much fun I will be searching for different and more challenging ideas!!!  Look for one and two before the day is done since I am starting on June 2.
Photo: My Photography Challenge List for this month.